Sunday, March 6, 2016

Week #7 - Video Review

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
·         The two video’s that I watched were, Prairie Style, Frank Lloyd Wright and Architecture: the Science of Design. The key concepts that I learned from the Frank Lloyd Wright video was that wright was unique in that he wanted his buildings to fit their landscape. It was interesting to hear about this concept, but also in learning why he was different, light was shed on the norm of architecture. Most buildings are constructed and a fitting landscape is constructed around them to accentuate the structure. Wright’s building however were constructed to look as though they are a compliment to nature, and to accentuate the view of the nature surrounding them. In the Science of Design video the key concepts that were addressed where scientific. The video was made in 1990, so some aspects of the technological advances were out dated, but many of the concepts were spot on, and are computerized options that are currently being marketed today.  It was also interesting to gain insight to why the use of cement is essential to building tall structures. I was also really surprised by some of the factors that went into building sky scrapers that I had not thought of. I was aware of the wind factor, but I had not considered that the weight of people and furniture needed to be factored into the necessary support fort the weight of the structure.

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
·         The Frank Lloyd Wright video was a good tool to expand on the practices and concepts that he brought to his architecture. Getting to see the open floor plan, all the windows, and the way the house was constructed to be a part of the landscape brought a more comprehensive view of his style.  I felt like the video Architecture: the Science of design went beyond the scope of the reading and spent a good deal of time touching on the advances and convenience of technology in architecture.  It seemed to describe a human interaction with architecture after it was build, its functionality, over the process of its design.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of Architecture?
·         I like both of the films, and I feel like they both added to my understanding of Architecture.  I tried to touch on it earlier, but I felt like in learning about Frank Lloyd wright and how he was different I learn about some of the basic just by understanding what he was difference from. It was insightful to recognize the aspects of architecture in my own experiences, in the house I grew-up in, the houses of my friends, the houses I have lived in as an adult, and the layout of the houses I see on the market here in Buffalo. The Science of Design video shed light on an aspect of art that makes Architecture unique in comparison to other art we have studied. Architecture is functional, and necessary. I was intrigued by the thought that unlike in a painting, if you make a poor decision in the construction of architecture, it is not easily undone and could even be fatal.  Lastly, I really liked that the video was so old and we were able to see how some of the visions for the use of technology in dwelling architecture has come to fruition.

4. Why did you choose the films that you watched?

·         I chose Prairie Style, Frank Lloyd Wright because I am not a Buffalo native. However, since moving here I have heard a lot of people talk about him and seen some structures that he has designed, but never really understood what he was about and why he was so special. I wanted to know more about him and the buildings that I have seen around Buffalo that bare his mark. I chose Architecture: the Science of Design, because as I have professed I am not an artist, much of my class work since returning to school has been based in science, and I thought that it may provide an interesting and applicable view.

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