I enjoyed working with the paint, making the colors was a great exercise. Also I do not like the tactile feel of using erasers, it is like writing with chalk, which I simply avoid at all costs. But I would use either medium again, we have discussed instituting an art night in our house now that we have extra supplies to use.
The most important discovery that I made in the creation of these studies was just how easy it was to sit down and "art". I was really intimidated about the process how it would turn our, how many times I would have to attempt it, but it only took one try.
The most important thing I learned from the video was the need to rinse brushes or use different brushes between colors. It was amazing to me in my experience how much just a little left over color would effect the new pigment I was trying to create. I was a little confused about the colors that we were instructed to use, yellow, magenta, and cyan, instead of the yellow, red, and blue, that were used in the video. However, maybe it was a good exercise because the wheel still came out with appropriate color varieties. With the colors that we used making "black" in the center of the wheel proved to be a bit of a unicorn. It seemed like no matter how much paint I mixed the darkest gray I got was charcoal at best.
An additional, thing that I learned is the importance of the supplies that you use. I am on a bit of a budget and I was not sure which type of brush would best execute this task, so I bought the cheapest multiple brush set. If you look closely you can see bristles in the paint of my color wheel. For art night I will probably invest in some better brushes.
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